Tuesday 11 July 2023

Day 4 - Tuesday July 11

 As I write this, it is actually now Wed morning.  It has been a busy day and also a very eventful evening. First full day with campers.  Up at 7am and breakfast at 8.  Tomorrow we will start with team devotions at 7am and staff breakfast at 7:30 with campers at 8.  As always, the food is amazing - even if we are also keeping it simple for the campers

We have 3 activity blocks daily.  Today we had arts and crafts, water sports and swimming, and rock climbing.  It was fun for everyone! Campers were excited and there was a great buzz around the camp - and I don't mean the mosquitoes! We can't share many photos as we do not have permission to post pictures of campers. We can share more when we are home.

We did a fun game for a group activity tonight - cabin leaders and our youth LIT went to hide in the forest and around the property. Campers had to go find them! Points were awarded for each cabin leader or LIT they found!  There will be a prize at the end of the week - and points can be earned for many things such as being on time, being helpful etc.

In the morning we did chapel with the kids. The theme today, still based on living water, was based on creation in Genesis 1 and 2. Sang a couple of songs and just had a good time.  This tied in nicely with two team testimonies shared - and they were also based on their experiences in life and connected to Gen 1 & 2!  Amazing!

We finished off with a camp fire (yes! fire ban was lifted here!) and kids were off to bed around 9pm. It was still very bright out.  We are seeing campers who are feeling home sick and so trying to help them process as best as possible and keep striving to make it through the week. We are seeing a couple kids not feeling well - are they sick or is this also anxiety and home sickness?  We have found a couple cases of lice and also one of our team (youth) is not feeling well.  Please pray for the health of the team and campers. Lice can be very sensitive to deal with - and so if they would like us to help with that we can, but we cannot force that upon any child; and given residential schools we would not want to separate, isolate and take away kids from others. Pray for our team members as sometimes just the busy-ness of the work can get us out of routine and feeling sick too. We've tested for COVID and all negative. But feeling sick is never good.

Tomorrow will be a new day. We have more adventures in store and maybe even something different on Friday!  Stay tuned!  Thank you for reading and praying.


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